The first "all-inclusive" unification of ITF practitioners endorsed by ITF Pioneer Grand Master Hwang, Kwang Sung K-9-1, promoted directly by General Choi Dec. 1997.

UNIFIED-ITF Leadership

Special Assistant to GM Hwang
Laura Shriel, V Dan
Ms. Shriel has traveled extensively throughout the US and abroad with GM Hwang, including North Korea. She was a Chief Instructor for GM Hwang and fierce competitor having placed at every competition! Today, Ms. Shriel, affectionately called "Legend " by GM Hwang, gives graciously of her time caring for him. She feels honored to give back to him for all he has done for her from her start at the precious age of 13. A strong bond was built and still remains today.

Vice President
GM Norberto Puello
Grand Master Norberto Puello
• Cinturón Negro Instituto Jhoon Rhee Taekwon-Do, GM Jhoon Rhee, General Choi Hong Hi y Jose Reyes, USA 1972.
• 4 veces Campeón Latinoamericano y del Caribe Puerto Rico, Jamaica y Rep. Dom. Y USA.
• Karateca del Año 1974, por Asociación de Cronistas Deportivos de la Republica Dominicana.
• No. 2 Ranking Mundial Pelea Liviano Karate Profesional, World All Style Karate Organization, 1975. >>>Click Here for More

Vice President
GM Miguel Reyes
My name is Miguel Reyes and I am from the Dominican Republic.
The following are the initiates of my time in Martial arts:
1969 - 1973 I started practicing Karate Shotokan at 14 years old in the
Dominican Republic
1973 - 1976 I started practicing Tae Kwon-Do Jhoon Goo Rhree in the
Dominican Republic
1977 - 1986 Continued to practice TKD ITF with the Puellos brothers
until 1986 in the Dominican Republic
1987 - 1991 Continued to practice ITF with Master Andres Mencias in
the United States
1991 - 1993 ITF with Grand Master Kwang Du Chung

Vice President
GM David Karstadt, UITF A-9-1
A basic chronology:
1977 - Began ITF training under Master Choi Sun Duk
1986 - Joined the USTF under GM Charles Sereef
- Opened Taekwon-Do School
1991 - Met GM Hwang Kwang Sung, and joined KATU
1992 - Helped GM Hwang establish a KATU school in Senora Mexico
1995 - Promoted to KATU 5th Dan
1995 - Assisted GM Hwang coach the USA junior team, (each world championship thereafter)
1997 - Hosted General Choi Hong Hi
2001 - Promoted to UITF 6th Dan, by GM Hwang
2004 - Led the KATU/UITF USA TEAM at the UITF World Championship in Korea

Master Dave Lyles (L.T.C.), VII

General Secretary
Sabum Albert Labossiere, VI
Sabum Labossiere began his cherished relationship with Grand Master Hwang in 2001 when he joined KATU, as co-founder of a school that he continues to operate in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. During the ensuing years Mr. Labossiere has attended over thirty Grand Master Hwang seminars throughout the USA, hosted Grand Master Hwang on eleven Canadian visits, assisted Grand Master Hwang on many occasions, and attended the 2017 UITF World Championships in Argentina as part of the Canadian and US Teams. In 2018, Mr. Labossiere was surprised, and immensely honoured, when Grand Master Hwang presented him that year's UITF Legacy Award. In mid 2020, Mr. Labossiere was again honoured, and humbled, when Grand Master Hwang appointed him to the Secretary General position.

Under Secretary
Sabum Davis Martin, V
Assists General Secretary with global communications and certificate delivery.

Promotion Committees
Master Gary Bradshaw, Europe
Master Dave Lyles (L.T.C), USA
Sabum Kenneth Kuah, Asia
To ensure fair, non-biased and legitimate promotion of International Instructors and Masters for Unified-ITF sanctioned promotions while preserving the legacy of Grandmaster General Choi, Hong Hi and Grandmaster Hwang Kwang Sung.

Discipline Committee Chair
Master Gary Bradshaw, VIII
To enforce the rules, regulations and standard operating procedures for Unified-ITF sanctioned events through a fair and unbiased procedure while preserving the legacy of Grandmaster General Choi, Hong Hi and Grandmaster Hwang Kwang Sung.

Technical Committee Chair
Master Nigel Paul, VIII
To promote, educate and preserve the proper execution of Taekwon-Do techniques at Unified-ITF sanctioned events while preserving the legacy of Grandmaster General Choi, Hong Hi and Grandmaster Hwang Kwang Sung.

Administrative Assistant
Master Michelle Golino-Crisco, VII
Master G. began training in 1980 under the direct guidance of Masters Michael & Harris Bonfiglio, and GM Charles Sereff A-1-9. She opened her first of several schools in 1997 when she then met and began a deep-rooted relationship with GM Hwang, Kwang Sung K-9-1. Master G. represented and placed on two U.S. women's teams, 1989, New Haven, CT, where she performed for General Choi, and 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece where she first met GM Rhee Ki Ha . She attended two seminars with General Choi, and with many other GM's representing multiple ITF federations from 97-present. She has received numerous awards and recognitions for her lifelong contributions to Taekwon-Do. Master G. believes every individual deserves an opportunity to benefit from martial arts training, and is active in teaching individuals with disabilities. She is the Executive Director of a 501(c)(3) named A Charity Empowered to Save Souls.

Social Media Coordinator
Sabum Michael Hwang, IV
To maintain and preserve the social media presence of Unified-ITF while preserving the legacy of Grandmaster General Choi, Hong Hi, and his biological father, Grandmaster Hwang Kwang Sung.
Continental Coordinator ASIA
Sabum Kenneth Kuah, VI
Sabum Kenneth Kuah is ​trained and promoted by Grandmaster Hwang. Started Taekwon-Do in 1989 and achieved much in his Taekwon-Do career. He is a qualified International Instructor and Examiner by Unified-ITF. He follows the teaching and promote General Choi's Taekwon-Do legacy under the guidance of Grandmaster Hwang Kwang Sung.

Continental Coordinator AFRICA

Continental Coordinator EUROPE
Master Gary Bradshaw, VIII

Continental Coordinator UNITED STATES
Master Dave Lyles (L.T.C.), VII

Continental Coordinator SOUTH AMERICA
Master Fernandez, VIII
Víctor Fernández was born in Bonao Province of Monseñor, Nouel, Dominican Republic. His first experience with the art of Taekwon-Do was at the age of 7 under the private classes of instructor Thomas Franklin Riva, 5th Degree Black Belt. Thomas was the one who first introduced Taekwon-Do to Victor. After seeing that Víctor achieved such natural talent, he continued his practices in 1981. Víctor continued the tutelage with Senior Master Roque Vallejo 8 th Black Belt, member of the ITF Puello's Dominican Institute of Taekwon-Do. This institute was founded on June 3, 1976 by Grand Masters Norberto Puello and Socrate Puello, both 9 th Degree Black Belts. Affiliated with the International Taekwon-Do Federation of ITF founded by General Choi Hong Hi. >>>Click Here for More

Assistant Continental Coordinator SOUTH AMERICA
Master Jose Laloma, VII
Master Laloma started his Taekwon-Do journey in 1990 with Grandmaster Moon Sung Lee, he is also a student of Grandmaster Kwon Jae Hwa, a former member of the 1965 goodwill Korean Taekwondo Team with General Choi Hong Hi. Reached high red belt in 1995 and continued training with Master Gregory Pennerman Throgsneck, a student of Grandmaster Ms. Lee who was affiliated with USNTF Grandmaster Duk Gun Kwon. Master Laloma trained and instructed from 1995 to 2006. 23rd April 2006 was a sad day for Master Laloma, it was Master Pennerman final day on earth. Master Benny Tineo who was next in rank took over the Dojang with the support from Master Laloma, they worked together managing and running the school from 2006 to 2016. In 2007, they joined Grandmaster Hwang Kwang Sung, Unified-ITF, and at the same time supported Grandmaster Miguel Reyes. Currently, Master Laloma is a happily retired Civil Service Inspector from the NYC Department of Buildings from 1997 to 2013.